The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod. 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。
It is primarily rooted in the Croatian epic poetry with emphasis on important historical or patriotic events. 它最初来源于克罗地亚的史诗,刻画的是重要的历史性爱国事件。
Epic poetry and Tragedy, as also Comedy, Dithyrambic poetry, and most flute-playing and lyre-playing, are all, viewed as a whole, modes of imitation. 史诗、悲剧、喜剧、酒神颂以及绝大部分笛子和竖琴演奏都被总体上看成模仿的方式。
The views of the Yi people on the history, religion and ethic reflected in their epic poetry of the world creation 彝族创世史诗中的历史观、信仰观与伦理观
Epic, lyric, dramatic, pastoral, symbolist, etc poetry In Chinese free-style verse, modernism is adroit at creating images. 史诗、抒情诗、戏剧诗、田园诗、象徵派的诗在中国新诗史上,现代派是营造意象的高手。
Homer's Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry. 荷马的《伊利亚特》属于英雄史诗类。
An analysis of the mythological prototype in the epic poetry Meige of the Yi people; However, I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one. 对彝族史诗《梅葛》神话原型的分析不过,我相信『个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮』句俗话。
Chinese narrative poetry has uniqueness in respect of plot chosen, different from that of Western epic poetry. 中国叙事诗在情节上有不同于西方史诗的独特性质。
Leviathan is to prose what Milton's Paradise Lost is to epic poetry. 利维坦》之于散文,就像弥尔顿的《失乐园》之于史诗。
The heroic couplet is a verse form in epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables and five stresses, in rhyming pairs. 用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。
The third part is mainly a comparison between of the verse of narrative and traditional epic poetry, from 80's to the 90's, with the intention to shed more light on the narrative characteristics of 90's modern Chinese poem. 第三部分主要把90年代叙事性诗歌与传统叙事诗、80年代的诗歌进行比较,以凸现90年代现代汉诗叙事性的特点。
No classical epic in the strict sense has ever appeared in Chinese history of poetry. 中国汉语诗坛没有出现严格意义上的经典性史诗,但是诞生了诗史。
From South Asia ′ s myth to epic poetry& On the source of lndian culture 从南亚神话到史诗&印度文化源头论
An Epic Recording of the Civil War& On Whitman's War Poetry 记录美国南北战争的史诗&论惠特曼的战争诗歌
On the Tragedy of the Miaos 'Love Epic Poetry 试论苗族爱情叙事诗歌的悲剧性
Epic Poetry in English Romantic Movement 英国浪漫主义时期的史诗创作
The creation of English epic in Romantic Movement greatly enriched the types of poetry when lyrical poetry used to be the mainstream. 浪漫主义时期的英国史诗创作极大地丰富了除抒情诗以外的诗歌类型。
Chanting on Epic displays the magnificent harmony of emotions and senses in poetry. 《咏史诗闲话》体现了诗性与智性的和谐融合。
Form as a sort of genre, including epic poetry, tragedy and fiction. Form as a type of size defined by the relationship between the soul and the world. 形式是作为史诗、悲剧、小说的体裁和以心灵与世界大小关系界定的类型。
Poetry includes epic poetry, lyric poetry and drama poetry, whereas tragedy belongs to the drama poetry. 诗包括史诗、抒情诗和戏剧诗,悲剧属于戏剧诗。
In ancient China ( absolutly said) is not epic, but it has a large ethnic minority areas in the national epic to epic poetry and rap in the form of spread. 中国缺少史诗的传统,不过,在少数民族地区却有着大量的民族创世史诗和英雄史诗,这些史诗以说唱的形式流传。
Wu Qi outlined Epic mainly in that the three international expositions, Wu Qi comb detail the origins of Chinese poetry, the international definition of the three is more reasonable and more thorough. 吴淇勾勒诗史时主要是对三际说的论述,吴淇详细地梳理了中国诗歌的源流,对三际的界定更合理、更透彻。
Taking a panoramic view of "The Complete Works of Cai Xiang," I think that his poetry can be divided into five categories, including the toast exchanging poetry, the political reality poetry and pondering poetry, Old Wing epic, Wing-sie poetry. 纵观《蔡襄全集》,本人认为可以将蔡襄诗歌分为五类,分别是酬酢赠答诗、政治现实诗、感怀写志诗、怀古咏史诗、题咏诗。